Psychotherapy services can be delivered via a variety of methods:
- Individual Psychotherapy
- Group Psychotherapy (usually groups of 8 or less)
- Family Therapy
- Couples Therapy
- Jungian Sand Tray and Art Therapy
An unlimited number of issues can be addressed in psychotherapy.
Some examples are:
- Trauma experienced in the past or being experienced in the present
- Alleviation of clinical depression, anxiety, interpersonal conflicts, stress, or panic
- Interpersonal issues are explored such as conflicts, unrewarding relationships, unmet
needs, etc. - The need for improved management of emotion dysregulation disorders such as Bipolar Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, anger management issues, etc.
- The need to work through intrapersonal conflicts and dilemmas, grief and loss
- The breaking of patterns resulting from growing up in an addicted or dysfunctional
family system - The need to explore addictive patterns such as substance use, excessive “gaming”, “codependency”, disordered eating, etc.
- Sexual identity and gender confusion or issues can be explored in therapy